'자료/연구및기기'에 해당되는 글 37건

  1. 2008.12.19 :: ACS Short Course Circuits in
  2. 2008.12.03 :: material matters
  3. 2008.11.26 :: 여러 대학의 의공학과
  4. 2008.10.21 :: [book] Proton Conductors
자료/연구및기기 2008. 12. 19. 10:01

Registration now open for the

ACS Short Course Circuits in

Woodbridge, New Jersey, February 9-13, 2009


San Francisco, California, February 23-27, 2009

Registration has opened for the American Chemical Society Short Course Circuits to be held in Woodbridge, NJ, February 9-13 and San Francisco, CA, February 23-27, 2009. Early registration and group discounts are also available. Visit our website for complete details.

The following courses are being offered in Woodbridge, New Jersey:

The following courses are being offered in San Francisco, California:

posted by wizysl
자료/연구및기기 2008. 12. 3. 18:16


'자료 > 연구및기기' 카테고리의 다른 글

[book] Supramolecular Organization and Materials Design  (0) 2008.12.24
ACS Short Course Circuits in  (0) 2008.12.19
여러 대학의 의공학과  (0) 2008.11.26
[book] Proton Conductors  (0) 2008.10.21
논문 검색 사이트  (0) 2008.10.17
posted by wizysl
자료/연구및기기 2008. 11. 26. 12:20






'자료 > 연구및기기' 카테고리의 다른 글

ACS Short Course Circuits in  (0) 2008.12.19
material matters  (0) 2008.12.03
[book] Proton Conductors  (0) 2008.10.21
논문 검색 사이트  (0) 2008.10.17
2008 노벨 화학상 - GFP 관련  (1) 2008.10.09
posted by wizysl
자료/연구및기기 2008. 10. 21. 11:02
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 (ISBN-13: 9780521078900)

  • Also available in Hardback
  • Published September 2008

Temporarily unavailable - available from October 2008

 (Stock level updated: 01:53 GMT, 21 October 2008)


Protonic conduction in liquid electrolytes is commonplace but is relatively rare in solids. There is much interest worldwide in proton conducting solids, both from the scientific aspect, as materials with novel properties, but also for their possible applications in high-density solid-state batteries, sensors and other electrochemical devices. This book gives a comprehensive review of proton conductors, including theory, techniques, the materials themselves and applications.

• A comprehensive review • There is currently much worldwide interest in proton conducting solids • Gives many possible applications, including high-density solid-state batteries


Part I. The Hydrogen Bond and Protonic Species; Part II. Materials; Part III. Proton Dynamics and Charge Transport; Part IV. Proton Diffusion Mechanisms; Part V. Devices.


A. Potier, D. J. Jones, J. Rozière, Ph. Colomban, A. Novak, J. O. Thomas, I. Svare, P. G. Dickens, A. M. Chippindale, H. Iwahara, F. Freund, I. A. Ryzhkin, H. Fuzellier, J. Conard, H. Ikawa, E. Krogh Andersen, I. G. Krogh Anderson, E. Skou, A. Clearfield, G. Alberti, M. Casciola, G. Pourcelly, C. Gavach, J. C. Lassègues, S. V. Bhat, R. Frech, J. C. Badot, K.-D. Kreuer, J. P. Korb, F. Devreux, R. C. T. Slade, P. S. Nicholson, N. Miura, N. Ymazoe, J. Guitton, C. Poinsignon, J. Y. Sanchez, O. Bohnke, M. Pham-Thi

'자료 > 연구및기기' 카테고리의 다른 글

material matters  (0) 2008.12.03
여러 대학의 의공학과  (0) 2008.11.26
논문 검색 사이트  (0) 2008.10.17
2008 노벨 화학상 - GFP 관련  (1) 2008.10.09
세로토닌  (0) 2008.07.31
posted by wizysl